Status Open
Competition Closing Date: 12-FEB-2025 p >
From: CFB Moose Jaw p >
Subj: Class A Res Svc opportunity - CFB Moose Jaw - PO BOX 5000 STN MAIN, MOOSE JAW, SK, S6H 7Z8 p >
Refs: A. CF Mil Pers Instr 20/04 - ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY OF CLASS "A", CLASS "B" AND CLASS "C" RESERVE SERVICE B. DAOD 5023-2 - Common Military Tasks Fitness Evaluation C. Military Human Resources Records Procedures (MHRRP) D. CAFRD - Canadian Armed Forces Relocation Directive E. CFTDTI - Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instructions F. AFO 5006-15 - RCAF Reserve Employment Selection Processes G. AFO 5006-17 - RCAF Reserve Promotion Policy I. CANFORGEN 132/17 CMP 065/17 121312Z AUG 17, Identification of Official Languages Requirements for Primary Reserve Positions p >
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